A new documentary titled Soaked In Bleach will soon be released, telling the story of Kurt Cobain’s death from an alternative perspective. In the days leading up to Cobain’s death, Courtney Love hired Tom Grant, a private investigator, to locate a then-missing Kurt Cobain. Soaked In Bleach tells the story through Grant’s eyes.

In the film, former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper (who was in office at the time) says “If in fact Kurt Cobain was murdered, as opposed to having committed suicide, and it was possible to learn that, shame on us for not doing that. That was in fact our responsibility.”

He continues, saying that any new investigation wouldn’t be “about right and wrong, it’s about honor. It’s about ethics. If we didn’t get it right the first time, we damn well better get it right the second time, and I would tell you right now if I were the Chief of Police, I would reopen this investigation.”

On the 20th anniversary of Cobain’s death last year, L4LM writer Bob Wilson followed up with Grant and several other figures who were involved with Cobain around the time of his passing. You can read that extensive report below:

Kurt Cobain: A Hole In My Life – The 20th Anniversary of a Rock Legend’s Death

While Courtney Love has done her part to block the film from being released, it seems that Soaked In Bleach will be available in the coming months. You can watch an extended trailer below: