According to a recent survey published by Eventbrite, the ticketing company, it seems a majority of social media conversations about festivals happens before the festivals, as opposed to during or after them. A whopping 54% of festival conversations happens before the festival, with 17% during and 29% post-event.

This isn’t particularly surprising, as the first part of the survey demonstrated that one of the major draws of various festivals is the “festival experience” as a whole. The data is culled from social media sources, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, blogs, and forums.

Of the pre-event conversations, a majority were expressions of excitement for attending the festival, while others discussed lineups, plans for going to the event, or asking for advice about a particular festival. Of the conversations during the event, many people shared excitement while either attending the festival or watching it remotely, and others posted amusing stories from the festival event. Finally, of post-event conversations, most people either reflected on the festival or shared media coverage of that event.

While pre-event conversations dominated the social media presence, it is worth noting that the conversations during the festival can only happen during a limited timeframe. Additionally, it seems a large percentage of conversations occur remotely, via live streams and otherwise, and this may become a target for festival marketing in the future.

All in all, it’s very interesting that a majority of conversations occur prior to the event. It seems that talking about the preparations for a festival is more appealing to attendees than actually talking about what happened at the festival. When do you have the majority of your festival conversations? Let us know!

-David Melamed (@DMelamz)