Anticipation for the new Radiohead album is at an all-time high, as the band gears up for their world tour dates in just three weeks, on May 20th. The new album has been discussed for years, and recent updates from the band and their collaborators have more or less confirmed the album’s completion. The group  took their pre-album planning one step further, mailing mysterious leaflets to fans across the UK.

The leaflets read “Sing The Song Of Sixpence… Burn The Witch… We Know Where You Live,” with the band’s bear logo imprinted in the bottom right corner. There’s also artwork on the top that could be the album cover, though that’s pure speculation. Check out the leaflet below:

“Burn The Witch” refers to a song/idea that surfaced at least 13 years ago, as the title appeared in the album artwork for Hail To The Thief in 2003. While it has never been performed in full, the lyrics appeared on the band’s website in 2007, and include the line “Sing the song of sixpence, burn the witch.”

Considering that the band’s shows are coming up soon, it’s feasible that the new album could drop any day now.