In a terrifying scene, a pair of explosions rang out at the end of pop singer Ariana Grande‘s concert at Manchester Arena in Manchester, England this evening. The story is still developing, but initial reports from police indicate that several people were killed in the blasts, and many more have been injured.

Terrifying photos of scared and bloodied concert-goers have begun to surface via British news outlets.

Erin McDougle, 20, from Newcastle told The Guardian: “There was a loud bang at the end of the concert. The lights were already on so we knew it wasn’t part of the show. At first we thought it was a bomb. There was a lot of smoke. People started running out. When we got outside the arena there were dozens of police vans and quite a few ambulances.” A group of young men from Sheffield said they had seen at least five people covered in blood and others being carried out by bouncers. “Ariana Grande had just gone behind the curtain and the lights came up when there was this massive bang and a big cloud of smoke. I saw five people with blood all down them.” Sophie Tedd, 25, from Darlington, said the noise and smoke seemed to come from the tiered seating stage right. “We were sitting on that side then suddenly there was this big bang in the block next to us. Everyone started screaming and we nearly got trampled on. There was a burning smell.”

Police have instructed all people to stay away from the arena as they assess the situation and tend to those in need of help.

We will be sure to update you on the horrifying events in Manchester as more information becomes available.

[via The Guardian]

[Photographs: Joel Goodman/LNP]