Last year, Aphex Twin released his first album under that moniker since 2001. Now, Richard D. James is back and shows no signs of slowing down, continuing to release new music to a “secret” SoundCloud account.
Aphex uploaded nearly a dozen new tracks to that same SoundCloud account recently, each with a title more bizarre than the last. “34 ibiza spliff,” “26 subbassjzzYvEntolins,” “7 summerfestivalloveinthecountry,” and “36 natalie,jane,me ,hawke [imperial Ring]” are included in the Aphex collection, each with a tag of #afx. A handful of the tracks have “1994” written in the song description section, suggesting these may be older tracks or, at the very least, in the style of Aphex’s older music.
Check out a few of the tunes below: