Courtney Love had some issues while traveling in France recently, as protests against ride-share company Uber have taken a downward spiral into violent attacks. Apparently, the vehicle Love was riding in fell victim to the protests, as the car was surrounded and forced to stop. With nowhere to go, Love was forced to pay some local motorcyclists to get her out of Dodge safely.

The protests in France are a result of cabbies being fed up with having to pay obscene amounts of money for a taxi license, while Uber drivers pick up anybody at anytime, with no penalties for not having a license. While a law banning Uber services was put into effect last October, the new law has not been enforced.

The frustration of the cab drivers has, unfortunately, led to reported attacks on both Uber drivers and their passengers, as well as hundreds of legal cases being filed against UberPOP. According to Love’s Instagram account, Kanye West was also in France at the airport in Paris waiting for things to cool off.
