On Sunday evening, the family of John Prine shared some devastating news regarding the iconic singer-songwriter’s health. As the post noted,
After a sudden onset of Covid-19 symptoms, John was hospitalized on Thursday (3/26). He was intubated Saturday evening, and continues to receive care, but his situation is critical.
This is hard news for us to share. But so many of you have loved and supported John over the years, we wanted to let you know, and give you the chance to send on more of that love and support now. And know that we love you, and John loves you.
On Monday morning, Prine’s wife, Fiona, shared a few more details regarding her and her husband’s health:
I have recovered from Covid-19. We are humbled by the outpouring of love for me and John and our precious family. He is stabile. Please continue to send your amazing Love and prayers. Sing his songs. Stay home and wash hands. John loves you. I love you
— Fiona Whelan Prine (@FionaPrine) March 30, 2020
Within minutes of the Sunday post, well-wishes for John Prine began to flood social media. Everyone from Roger Waters to Brandi Carlile to Joan Baez sent healing vibes to the ailing artist as he continues to receive treatment. You can check out a selection of the messages of love below.
not only a hero of my formative years as a songwriter, but –as a friend and himself a cancer survivor– @JohnPrineMusic has for the past year and a half stood as my personal patron saint. he and his wife fiona have been bedrock for me; and i urge all prayers for him. pic.twitter.com/7uLSwIpv9q
— Joe Henry (@JoeHenryMusic) March 30, 2020
Please join me in playing nothing but @JohnPrineMusic today. YOU will feel better & God willing, #JohnPrine will feel better soon. Sending love & prayers to all those in hospitals everywhere, very much including the people who bring such music to our lives. #PrayForJohnPrine pic.twitter.com/OUfPmuJc39
— @Wildaboutmusic (@Wildaboutmusic) March 30, 2020
For John Prine. https://t.co/D6ArnoWMTd #hellointhere #johnprine
— Joan Baez (@joancbaez) March 30, 2020
Joan Baez – “Hello In There” [John Prine cover, for John and Fiona]
[Video: diamondsandrustpro]
Waking up with a heart heavy from the hospitalization of John Prine. No one else so masterfully mixes humor and poignancy in one song. In one line. I’m gonna do a bunch of his songs today on Instagram live. Come hang out. 📷Keith Getter #johnprine #treeofforgiveness pic.twitter.com/LuXfk7rqBu
— Matt Jaffe (@MattJaffeMusic) March 30, 2020
Day 20: we sit around the fire again and pray for John Prine and listen to his songs and ask God for a little bit of mercy
— Margo Price (@MissMargoPrice) March 30, 2020
Please say a prayer for John Prine tonight. We need him now more than ever. @JohnPrineMusic #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/vrAqvXNiuU
— Anthony Mason (@AnthonyMasonCBS) March 30, 2020
One of the loveliest people I was ever lucky enough to know. He is a genius and a huge soul. Pray for him. https://t.co/fMWV9OHSzg
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) March 29, 2020
Everybody pray for @JohnPrineMusic ♥️ To say he’s special to me is an extreme understatement https://t.co/28nvKonaYs
— K A C E Y (@KaceyMusgraves) March 30, 2020
Here’s some good will going out to my friend and hero @JohnPrineMusic. Hang in there Bud, this world needs you more than ever! -MM
“Hello In There” by John Prine
(full vid on My Facebook page) pic.twitter.com/6ZBx3c7fgZ— Mac McAnally (@macmcanally) March 30, 2020
John Prine lives in all our hearts. pic.twitter.com/bgn9IeaxPS
— Roger Waters (@rogerwaters) March 30, 2020
Send your love and support to the great @JohnPrine. We are pulling for you.
— Béla Fleck (@belafleckbanjo) March 30, 2020
John Prine could use our prayers, he’s in a hospital with
Diagnosed with Coronavirus— Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) March 29, 2020
John Prine is a national treasure. Please pray for John Prine. He has kicked the Reaper’s ass before, I pray he has got it in him to do again.@JohnPrineMusic
— W. Earl Brown (@WEarlBrown) March 29, 2020
— The Iron Sheik (@the_ironsheik) March 30, 2020
this is a recent John Prine song. He’s never lost a step in my view. just as good as it gets. https://t.co/OnXwCWnWis
— The Mountain Goats (@mountain_goats) March 30, 2020
Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery
Make me a poster of an old rodeo
Just give me one thing that I can hold on to
To believe in this living is just a hard way to go-John Prine@JohnPrineMusic @TheBonnieRaitt pic.twitter.com/6NRTxvBEvg
— Blues Foundation / Blues Hall of Fame (@BluesFoundation) March 30, 2020
Sending love and good thoughts to John Prine and his family.
— Shaun Cassidy (@shaunpcassidy) March 30, 2020
My first taste of John Prine. https://t.co/3YmRdU2svb
— Stefan Lessard (@SLessard) March 30, 2020
We are sending lots of love and prayers and positivity to our friends John and Fiona, Jody, Tommy and Jack, Eileen, Colin and the whole Oh Boy Records family. Please, please do the same. pic.twitter.com/vKgCbEHCse
— Southeastern Records (@SoutheasternRec) March 30, 2020
Of course, people from all walks of life have been singing Prine’s praises for decades. Below, watch actor/comedian Bill Murray recall an anecdote in which Hunter S. Thompson opens his eyes to the humor in Prine’s work, specifically “Linda Goes To Mars”, which helped him get through a hard time.
A Message from Bill Murray on John Prine [2017]
[Video: John Prine]
We love you, John. Hang in there.