Jam band titans Max Creek has announced their plans to release their first studio effort in 19 years, 45 & Live, a double-disc release which follows 2000’s Live at the Connecticut Expo Center. The five-piece band—including guitarist Scott Murawski, bassist John Rider, keyboardist Mark Mercier, drummer Bill Carbone, and percussionist Jamemurrell Stanley—plans to release their forthcoming album during an upcoming two-night run at South Windsor, CT’s Telefunken Studios on February 22nd and 23rd, part of the band’s 48th-anniversary shows.

Drummer Bill Carbone made a statement on his Facebook regarding the album release. As he explains,

It’s a stone that I’ve been pushing up a mountain since 2015, along w tons of help from the Telefunken crew, the elusive Blue Clyde, and several others. I gave up on several occasions but my inner pain-in-the-ass finally prevailed. You’re looking at the proof of Linda’s beautiful album cover, and if you’re familiar with the scene, you’ll see the handiwork of many others when the double disc drops at the Telefunken shows later this month. If you haven’t been listening to Creek, NO MORE EXCUSES—this album is killer!

Along with the band’s two-night Telefunken run in February, Max Creek will celebrate their 48th anniversary with appearances at Burlington, VT’s Higher Ground (2/15); Dover, VT’s Snow Barn (2/16); Woodstock, NY’s Levon Helm Studios (3/29); Pittsfield, MA’s Colonial Theatre (4/5); Hartford, CT’s Infinity Music Hall (4/19), as well as festival appearances at Greenfield, MA’s Strangecreek and Bath, NH’s Jerry Jam.

Head to Max Creek’s website for more information and ticketing.

Max Creek 2019 Tour Dates

Fri 02.15.19 Higher Ground S Burlington VT
Sat 02.16.19 Snow Barn Dover VT
Fri 02.22.19 Telefunken Studios S Windsor CT
Sat 02.23.19 Telefunken Studios S Windsor CT
Fri 03.29.19 Levon Helm Studios – Creekiversary Woodstock NY
Fri 04.05.19 Colonial Theatre – Creekiversary Pittsfield MA
Fri 04.19.19 Infinity Music Hall – Creekiversary Hartford CT
Sat 05.25.19 Strangecreek Greenfield MA
Sat 07.20.19 Jerry Jam Bath NH

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