PIRATA, the new collaborative improv project featuring Joe Russo (drums), Dave Harrington (guitar), Stuart Bogie (sax), Spencer Zahn (bass), and Jonathan Goldberger (guitar), will regroup for two nights at Manhattan’s intimate Nublu on December 19th and 20th. Tickets are on sale now, here. You can also RSVP to the Facebook Event Group for the shows here for updates and more information.
The December shows at Nublu will mark the group’s third and fourth performances under the PIRATA banner. The band plays improvisational music and stems from a long lineage of collaborations that have taken place between its members over the years, primarily at Nublu. Spencer Zahn and Dave Harrington are frequent collaborators both live and in the studio. Stuart Bogie, a longtime member of Antibalas and current member of Arcade Fire’s touring Band, is a regular guest with Joe Russo’s Almost Dead.
The recently formed project has performed two shows together, at Nublu on June 29th and at Brooklyn’s The Sultan Room on October 4th, respectively. You can listen to recordings of both shows below:
Dave Harrington – The Sultan Room at Turk’s Inn – 10/4/19
[Audio: McRoberts]
Dave Harrington – Nublu – 6/29/19
[Audio: Dan Lynch]
Recently Joe Russo’s Almost Dead announced their first shows of 2020. The quintet comprised of drummer Joe Russo (drums), keyboardist Marco Benevento, bassist Dave Dreiwitz, and guitarists Tom Hamilton and Scott Metzger, will return to the Capitol Theater in Port Chester on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, February 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2020.