What’s Willie Nelson been up to lately? Well, besides touring with Alison Krauss this past summer and celebrating the big 8-0, he has been inviting people to smoke weed with him.

New York Times journalist Maureen Dowd was invited to join Nelson on his tour bus to toke it up with him, after he read her column about a bad experience she had with weed. After eating a THC-infused candy bar, Dowd must not have realized the strength one tiny candy bar can have.

According to Dowd, while Nelson was interveiwing with Rolling Stone, he mentioned that she could join him to get high any time. Whether you smoke weed or not; as Dowd writes, “when Willie Nelson invites you to get high with him on his bus, you go.”

So like any fan of Willie Nelson or weed, Dowd took him up on his offer and joined him on his tour bus, the Honeysuckle Rose (which, coincidentally, sounds like the name of a strain of weed). Dowd said Nelson explained that he has also had bad experiences with edibles, saying, “Honestly, I don’t do edibles. I’d rather do it the old-fashioned way, because I don’t enjoy the high that the body gets.” 

Dowd and Nelson sipped coffee and smoked pot out of his vaporizer (you know, a casual Saturday) and talked about America’s weed industry. Nelson said, “Everybody’s got to kill their own snakes, as they say. I found out that pot is the best thing for me because I needed something to slow me down a little bit.”

What better person to be a marijuana mentor than Willie Nelson? If Dowd didn’t like weed before, she probably likes it now.

[Via: New York Times]