Electric Forest is a music and arts festival like no other. With unimaginable production and things to stimulate all senses, one might find it hard to put this festival into words. These are just a few of the fabulous freaks and finds you may discover at Electric Forest Festival.
1.) The Dome of Dance is a place where people can battle it out with their funky moves. Set up tournament style, occurring multiple times throughout the weekend, anyone can enter and show off their skills. This is the 2nd year Electric Forest has presented its Dome of Dance and it seems to be a fan favorite. We found ourselves gathering around it when in need of a laugh.
2.) Hammock City. When looking panoramic, one might wonder why they don’t own a hammock. Forget tent city and welcome yourself to hammock city. Hammocks are prime real estate at Electric Forest and can be found EVERYWHERE. Didn’t BYOH!? Eno Hammocks set up about 200 hammocks in the forest for your swinging, napping, and chilling pleasure. Can’t find an empty one? They sell them on site! We purchased ourselves a double capacity hammock for our resting satisfaction.
3.) Peformance Actors. Throughout the forest you will find many characters. From fairies to geishas, from centaurs to clowning cops, mythical creatures are lurking around every bend. We give these actors major props (no pun intended) for we could not get them to break character once. Become friends with one and they might give you something special, a ticket for “shenanigans”, a piece of magical bark, or a tiny stuffed heart to show their love and affection.
4.) Gong Station. In need of a little vibration therapy? Ever been gonged? We hadn’t until attending the forest. Relax and center yourself at the gong station in the forest. The Sonic Portal is a custom geodesic sound chamber that utilizes a full spectrum of sound making devices which produce a remarkable one of a kind auditory entertainment experience. The sound chambers are self contained performance structures that participants lounge inside of while performers play around them in 360 degrees. Once you enter the portal, sonic sculptors shape thesound field by playing soothing light sequences into the sound chamber. The frequencies dance throughout the participant’s body gently blanketing them in a symphony of deep powerful and mesmerizing vibrations.
5.) Super Tall Paul. Electric Forest’s best kept secret set goes to Super Tall Paul, AKA Electric Forests New Mayor! You would not find him on the line up anywhere but he could be found throughout the weekend performing in the many areas of the forest. Super Tall Paul is a wizard of looping and a comedian simultaneously. Our favorite performance of the weekend was a mash up of The Jungle Book’s “I Want to Be Like You,” which he performed flawlessly with multiple instruments, whistles, and sound effects. Whereever Super Tall Paul was you could find a super dance party.
6.) The Sollun. Deep within the Sherwood Forest, disguised as an undercover speakeasy, wondrous events took place at the Sollun. Installations are built from reclaimed and repurposed material, and use solar and wind to power. Inside this area you found the Jenkstars, a collective of professional artists, creators, inventors, thinkers, performers, musicians, magicians, and builders.
7.) Art Installations. When some festivals claim to be a “Music and Arts Festival”, most seem to be lacking in the art department. Electric Forest has no such problem. Coming home from this festival we have tried explaining to our friends the wonder and awe we have experienced. They look as us like we are crazy. It’s just one of those things you must see for yourself. From the buildings made of recycled materials, to the hand crafted geometric structures, to the details in lighting, Electric Forest takes the cake. The art and architecture at this festival made us wonder how on earth can humans put together something so grand. It really does feel like a dream.
8.) Psychedelic Friendship Bingo! We never thought we would find ourselves playing Bingo at a music festival. Being suckers for comedic improv, Psychedelic Friendship Bingo was a highlight of every night. Who knew that Bingo+Game Show+Mustard= FUN. That’s right, Mustard. For those daring enough to call “false BINGO”, be prepared to be taken on stage, humiliated, and covered in mustard.
9.) Forest Stage & Andy Frasco. Apart from the three main stages, several smaller ones could be found within the actual forest. Here we found some of the most unique music and interesting talents. Our top performance pick inside the forest goes to Andy Frasco and the UN. The fantastic and comedic performance was full of crazy antics such as crowdsurfing to a beer (and consuming it) and encouraging audience members to pass up their drugs (which he took).
10.) Hoop Troupe. A big shout out also goes to the Electric Forest Hoop Troupe. What a talented bunch! We asked one of them to balance it on his nose, and look, he did!