When looking at this year’s Catskill Chill lineup, something struck out at me that I thought was pretty interesting, and unique at the same time. There are at at least seven or more individual artists (at least that I can make out) that will be pulling double-duty with different bands at next weeks “Chill.” Whether or not the folks that put together Catskill Chill (Sept. 6th-8th) did this on purpose is anybody’s guess; either way, it is pretty impressive. As Chicago Cubs legendary shortstop Ernie Banks used to say, “Let’s Play Two!”

Here is the list:


Tom Hamilton
Pulling triple-duty on The Chill lineup, Hamilton will start the day opening the festival with his American Babies project, then host a Tom Hamilton & Friends set, take the night off and return on Saturday for what is sure to be a killer late-night set with Brothers Past.


Eric Krasno
The Soulive guitarist will be playing with Brooklyn-funk outfit Lettuce on Friday, and playing in his own Eric Krasno Band with vocalist Alecia Shakour, along with members of The Dap Kings and Warren Haynes Band) on Saturday afternoon.


Chris Michetti
Master Shredder is playing not one, but two late-night sets….on the same night! Michetti will first play with Conspirator, take a hot-minute to get his bearings about him, and play with the recently reunited RAQ. This should be fun!


Todd Stoops
The Kung-Fu keyboardist is playing the late-night 2:30am-4am on Friday and Saturday, first with his Connecticut funk outfit, and again the next night with Michetti in RAQ.


Clay Parnell
The Philadelphia-based bassist will be joining Tom Hamilton on Friday with their indie-electronic outfit Brothers Past and returning on Saturday afternoon with drum machine Johnny Rabb for a set of the house, drum & bass, jungle project BioDiesel.


Adam “Shmeeans” Smirnoff
A Friday Lettuce set alongside other double-duty mate Eric Krasno, Smirnoff will follow-up that performance with his project Shmeeans & The Expanded Consciousness.


Alecia Chakour
The sultry vocalist will be performing as a member with the Eric Krasno Band, and it’s safe to say that we will be seeing Chakour make an appearance during Lettuce’s set, as she is so apt to do, being a member of that crew and all.

Side Note: A much anticipated double-duty action will be taken on by all the members of Papadosio and Dopapod on Sunday night, as both bands will play their own individual sets, which will lead into a festival-closing DOPADOSIO set.

This is not to mention the all the inevitable sit-ins that will naturally occur at the Chill this year. Expect the unexpected.

Catskill Chill is set to take place September 6th-8th in Hancock, NY. There are still tickets available for the event. Click here to see what is available and to purchase your way in to the experience that is The Chill.