With the current state of the music industry and the struggle to capitalize on record sales today, Diplo has adopted an “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” attitude. He has openly admitted that he doesn’t care if anybody leaks his music or downloads it illegally, because he’s not making any money on record sales anyway.

The outspoken producer told the Sunday Times, “I don’t care if anybody – and you can quote me on this – trades my records, leaks my records. I don’t care. I can’t make money off the sales, but I’ll make money off doing shows, or selling merchandise.”

“I’m, like, clickbait,” he continued. “I saw it with the GIF thing – I got more followers. People who didn’t know who I am known who I am now, even if they hate me. Is that a bad thing? Actually, no, in 2015 it’s not. Kanye proved that. All you need to do is be in their minds.”

[Via Expose]