A new Dave Matthews Band album is in the works, and some Instagram posts from viola player Karen Elaine have revealed some interesting information about it. First off, the album will feature some orchestral arrangements, composed by David Richard Campbell. Campbell is known for his many works, and is also the proud father of Beck.

Dave Matthews Band Bans All Signs And Banners From Shows

She also posted the sheet music for the songs, which includes three working titles: “Here On Out,” “Bismarck,” and “Bob Law.”


Making music with one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE bands today!!!!! #davematthewsband #makingmusicinhollywood #lovemywork

A photo posted by Karen Elaine (@karenelaineviola) on

Earlier in the week, trumpter Rashawn Ross posted the following video of the orchestra as well:

We’ll be sure to update as more information about the new Dave Matthews Band album is revealed.