Umphrey’s McGee made themselves right at home in the churchlike Atlanta venue The Tabernacle, spending three days treating fans to their potent brand of rock and roll jamming. Umphrey’s put down great performances on the first two nights, including a big opening night and a surprise Tool cover on night two, but kept mostly fixed on original music for their grand finale.

Longtime favorites like “No Diablo” and “Second Self” highlighted the show’s first set, as well as the second-ever performance of the band’s newest song “Cut Off,” which debuted on New Year’s Eve. The first set closed with an extended take on “Utopian Fir,” only setting the mood for more improvisational prowess in the second half.

After opening with “Bright Lights, Big City,” the band dished out both parts of their “Cemetery Walk” composition, playing them back to back for the first time since early 2016. They then brought out a cover of “The Song Remains The Same,” rocking the Led Zeppelin tune with an unmistakeable ease. They would ultimately close out the set with a big “1348” sandwich that incorporated “In The Kitchen” and “Higgins” before returning to “1348.” The show ultimately closed out with a performance of “Pay The Snucka,” a great encore to a rocking show.

Listen to the full audio from last night’s performance below, courtesy of taper Dillon Fries, as well as the full setlist from All Things Umphrey’s.

Setlist: Umphrey’s McGee | The Tabernacle | Atlanta, GA | 1/15/17

Set 1: Rocker Part 2, No Diablo, Kabump > 2nd Self, #5, Cut Off, Utopian Fir[1]

Set 2: Bright Lights, Big City, Cemetery Walk > Cemetery Walk II, The Song Remains the Same, 1348 > In The Kitchen > Higgins > 1348

Encore: Pay the Snucka

[1] with The Spirit of Radio (Rush) tease

[Cover image by Phierce Photo]