In 2016, brothers Oteil Burbridge (Dead & Company, Allman Brothers) and the late Kofi Burbridge (Tedeschi Trucks Band, Derek Trucks Band), along with Alan Evans (Soulive, Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe) and Neal Evans (Lettuce, Soulive) joined forces as the All Brothers Band. The quartet entered the recording studio for their first and only session, and also made their live debut at the second annual Brooklyn Comes Alive in 2016.
Recorded at Alan Evans’ Iron Wax Studios in rural Western Massachusetts, the All Brothers Band never officially released any of the music from their lone session together in the studio. In the wake of the passing of Kofi Burbridge, Alan Evans decided that the brothers’ music needed to be shared with the world.
Alan Evans shared a heartfelt message with the release of “In The Beginning”. He explains,
As a tribute to our brother Kofi, we give to you ‘In The Beginning’. This is from the very first and only recording session of the All Brothers Band. After the initial tracking session, Kofi finished some overdubs at home on this song, sent me his files and we all went off to do our thing. The night I learned of Kofi’s passing, I decided to open up the sessions to have a listen. I ended up mixing this song and I swear I could feel Kofi next to me smiling as we both listened back to a truly amazing time. After everything was mixed, I sent it around to Neal and Oteil and we all knew this had to be shared with the world. I had one problem, there were no song titles. I was racking my brain trying to come up with a name and something told me to check my emails. There it was!!! I found the email from Kofi that contained his overdubs and he wrote in a song title, ‘In The Beginning’. So funny because I don’t remember seeing that when he originally sent it out but I imagine he’s the one who told me to check my emails. I don’t think there will be a day that goes by that I won’t think of him. I’m just so grateful we all got to play together, even if it was just for a brief moment in time. I hope you all enjoy this bit of pure joy and happiness we brothers shared together.
Much love,
Head here to listen to and download the All Brothers Band’s newly released track, “In The Beginning”.