Andy Frasco loves to have a fun time. Anyone who has ever experienced one of his performances in person can attest to that. What many fail to remember–likely from overconsumption of booze during one of his shows–is that Frasco’s job means he has to be the life of the party every night, in every city when he and his band The U.N. are on tour. While that kind of lifestyle does offer what many see as a fun time, for folks like Frasco who are on stage every night in front of fans who have paid to ensure he’s the highlight of their week, it’s a job just like any other occupation. One in an industry which has racked up its fair share of body counts over the years.
Frasco’s job, unlike most, doesn’t come with an HR representative in the corner who’s there to remind employees that doing some fat lines of cocaine in the dressing room right before a big show probably isn’t the best idea. So Frasco, always the energizing party monster, has had to self-regulate his own hard-partying ways in hopes of maintaining a career in the fast-paced world of the music industry–especially in a scene where drug use for substances like cocaine and alcohol is encouraged and utilized to the max.
Related: Andy Frasco: The Lover, The Fighter, The “Ringleader Of This F*ckin’ Circus” [Interview]
Frasco was the latest guest on Psychedelics Today, a weekly podcast that focuses on psychedelic drugs and the lifestyle that comes with the use of sacred, old-world medications like mushrooms and other substances containing Psilocybin to help ease the stresses and burdens of today’s machine-like society.
Throughout the 90-minute episode, Frasco talked openly on how mushrooms have presented a healthier, more beneficial alternative to more harmful drugs while on tour. Frasco discussed how he gets more anxiety when he’s not occasionally consuming mushrooms versus when he is, and even mentioned how the use of herbal remedies like cannabis even brings him anxiety as he’s gotten older.
Frasco also spoke about how severe panic attacks, and even sex addiction has led him on a journey to finding inner truth with the use of psychedelics.
“When you’re in a band you’re the party for one day of the year in that city,” Frasco points out about his job as an entertainer. His job was the same reason he began using cocaine regularly for the sole purpose of being able to find enough energy to perform every night.
Listen to the latest episode of Psychedelics Today featuring Andy Frasco via the Spotify player below.
Psychedelics Today – Andy Frasco
Frasco will take that new, healthier lifestyle of his back on the road this winter for a co-headlining run of shows alongside BIG Something beginning with a performance in Athens, GA on January 30th. Head to Andy Frasco & The U.N.‘s website for tickets and tour info.