Soule Monde, the avant-funk duo comprised of Ray Paczkowski (keys) and Russ Lawton, has announced a New Year’s Eve performance with special guest Rob Compa on guitar. The show will take place on Friday, December 31st, at Nectar’s in Burlington, VT.

This announcement comes just one day after LaMP canceled its Northeast New Year’s run. The trio featuring Scott Metzger (guitar), Lawton, and Paczkowski was set to perform at Nublu in New York, NY (12/29); StageOne in Fairfield, CT (12/30); and Nectar’s in Burlington, VT (12/31). Though Lawton and Paczkowski will not perform with the Joe Russo’s Almost Dead guitarist on New Year’s Eve, the addition of Compa comes as a pleasant surprise to fans of Dopapod, who have had to deal with New Year’s run cancellations of their own.

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Back on Thursday, December 23rd, Dopapod announced the cancellation of its New Year’s run of shows in Texas due to a positive COVID-19 test result in the band’s touring party. The group was set to perform in Houston (12/29), Austin (12/30), and Dallas (12/31) this coming weekend, which also would have served as Lighting Director Luke Stratton‘s final shows.

Tickets for the Soule Monde New Year’s Eve show with special guest Rob Compa are on sale now, here.