Chris “The Duffman” Duffy played his first shows as a Magic Bean this past weekend at the Goat Soup and Whiskey Tavern in Keystone, CO for a two-night run spanning between December 18th and 19th. Team Bean, as the fans call themselves, was beyond relieved by the Duffman’s sheer musical talent and ability to progress the jams into uncharted territory. Improvisation was at an all time high, with the Beans only playing four songs in their first set both nights, and just five songs in their second set each night. The average song length was right around twenty minutes! Shawn Swain of the Kitchen Dwellers also joined the party, playing on “Gravy Train” and “Powder.”
The Team was admittedly weary after an emotional goodbye show in Boulder for mainstay bassist, Josh Appelbaum. The Duffman; however, more than exceeded expectations by pushing the Beans into the outer reaches of the galaxy. One of the highlights for the Duffmaster was his playing on the greatest rendition of “Blackout” to date. A song that rarely eclipses twelve minutes was pushed into the thirty minute abyss. This tune was written by the original bassist yet somehow morphed into a completely different monster with Duffy on the low-end. This version of “Blackout” contained Star Wars teases with Hachey playing the light side and Duffy playing the dark side. It was very special to hear the Duffman lay it on the line like that for his first show playin’ in the band. Duffy’s supreme musical ability was also displayed during a searing interpretation of “Operation,” a track that is characterized by a booming bass line and happy go lucky lyrics.
The 19th turned out to be a record breaking night for the GOAT. The GOAT logo may be known from a t-shirt that Dave Schools loves to wear on-stage with Panic. After the show the band was informed by the sound technician for the venue that the GOAT took in more money than it ever has this past Saturday. This was an elating announcement as nobody was certain about how the turnout would be with a new bassist in the band.
Duffy is a classically trained jazz musician. The man is such a fantastic bass player because he got a DEGREE! Chris knows theory as well as the highest trained professionals in the scene and is now being given the forum to display his knowledge. The Duffman’s supreme musical wisdom coupled with his ear for the sound allowed the Beans to explore dimensions that their musical palette has never heard. It seems that the predictions came to fruition and Beans 2.0 is officially here. Duffy is the crush activator. Duffman for the win!
Listen to the show here:
Words and Photos by Andrew Preissing; photos may be viewed via Pizzle Pieces on Facebook. Full gallery below: