Live For Live Music met up with Tommy Weeks, saxophonist for Sophistafunk and Funky Dawgz Brass Band, to talk about his latest musical endeavors. He sat down with us to discuss his current projects and to share what he’s got on the table coming up.

Best known for throwing down the funk, he’s also involved in a new electronic music project known as Outlet Live, with Jon Belfontaine. Weeks went on to explain further about this new group. “He’s a producer up in New Hampshire. We just did a show on New Year’s Eve with Pretty Lights in New Orleans. It was awesome.  That was our first show.  We’re writing music, recording, we’re going to release an EP so that’s just another direction that I’m going in to expand my horizons.”

Like a lot of musicians out there, to mix things up he also teaches on the side. “I have private students just in town where I live in Connecticut. With the Funky Dawgz, we have an after school music program at The Charter Oak Cultural Center in Hartford. It’s for underprivileged kids. We meet once a week and partner with Spread Music Now, who help make it possible for kids to come and participate for free with instruments. We teach them brass band music.

We’re really lucky because Joey Peebles, who’s the drummer for Trombone Shorty, lives in Connecticut. When he’s not on tour, he comes and teaches with us as well. That’s just another plus, because he’s from New Orleans. We’re really fortunate to have a real rock star. He’s on tour with the Red Hot Chili Peppers right now, opening for them with Trombone Shorty. He’s pretty much at the top of the game.” 

Weeks also explained that he’s currently performing with several different acts at the moment. “I’m going on tour with Glen David Andrews, who’s from New Orleans. He’s another trombonist who’s actually a cousin of Trombone Shorty. I’m also playing for Sophistafunk, Funky Dawgz, Outlet Live, and the Glen David Andrews tour coming up. I’m trying to do as many things as I possibly can.”

We met up with Weeks during the National Association of Music Merchants convention in Anaheim, California. Also known as NAMM, we asked about his experience at this gigantic industry event. “This has been pretty insane. I did not think it would be like this. I was here last year and it was great, but, this year I feel like I knew where I needed to go and who I needed to talk to instead of being in shock walking around. I knew what to expect. I did some demonstrations for Theo Wanne mouthpieces, who’s my endorser. I had some great meetings. It’s been crazy.

I saw Stevie Wonder. That was insane. I was walking out with my buddy towards the door in the saxophone section and there was a huge crowd of people gathering and we thought ‘that’s definitely someone famous.’ We walked over and it was Stevie. That made my whole trip since I saw Stevie Wonder in person.”

Being involved with so many groups can make for a busy schedule. Weeks broke down the various shows he has coming up on his calendar. “My current tour schedule includes a CD release tour with Sophistafunk for their new album, Real Vibrations, as well as a couple shows with Funky Dawgz and Voodoo Dead. The second half of February I go on tour with Glen David Andrews, and in March we go down to Okeechobee Music Fest with Funky Dawgz.  Then we’ll see what just keeps flowing in from there.”

Please visit the web sites of Sophistafunk, Funky Dawgz Brass Band, and Outlet Live for more information, as well as tour dates.

Words by Sarah Bourque