Whether or not you watch American Idol, you need to watch this incredible duet between contestant Dennis Lorenzo and Allen Stone from Monday night. The two shared the stage during the show’s Top 24 All-Star Duets, where contestants paired up with celebrity musicians to perform a duet before a live audience as well as judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry, and Lionel Richie. During Monday night’s show, Lorenzo and Stone laid out a fantastic rendition of “Unaware” from Allen Stone’s 2011 self-titled debut album, with the duo’s performance ultimately receiving a standing ovation from all three judges, as well as the audience. “I don’t know if I’ll ever sing it alone again,” joked Stone after the duet.
“To find that kind of chemistry, where you feel comfortable sparring with a duet partner of that magnitude and that skill, tells you where you are,” expressed Lionel Richie, the voice behind “Hello”, “Endless Love”, and “All Night Long”. He added, “I’m telling you, man… That was spectacular.”
Country singer/songwriter Luke Bryan added, “You just stood up there with another seasoned artist and nobody could tell the difference between what was happening, it just felt natural!”
Watch the incredible duet between Allen Stone and Dennis Lorenzo below:
[Video: American Idol]
In related news, Allen Stone recently released a new single “Brown Eyed Lover“. If you haven’t already, catch Allen Stone live at a concert near you. Head to his official website for a list of upcoming performances.