Aqueous has shared pro-shot footage of their “Kitty Chaser (Explosions)” one-song set from Live From Out There. The performance, which premiered as part of 11E1even Group‘s months-long virtual music festival series, originally aired on June 9th.

Within a week of the shutdown of all live music back in March, 11E1even Group had already sprung into action with Live From Out There. The first, five week-long phase included new performances from Pigeons Playing Ping PongGooseTwiddleAqueous, and many more. As the series evolved and the return of live music remained perilously out of reach, 11E1even Group offered band-centric virtual festivals and events, including Pigeons’ Homefest celebration as well as Goose’s innovative and interactive Bingo Tour.

Related: Aqueous Shares New Live Album From September Stream [Listen]

Broadcasting live from the AQuarantine Bunker in Buffalo—which more or less looks like Eric Forman’s basement if he were in a jam band—Aqueous opened (and closed) the show with “Kitty Chasers (Explosions)”. The Cycles track came out swinging, courtesy of groove rock guitarist Mike Gantzer along with multi-instrumentalist Dave Loss, who switched over to keys. After the verses, however, it was time to pump the breaks and take this song out for a ride. Over the next 45 minutes, Aqueous put on a clinic of tension and release which proved that the one song set format is still exciting and creatively viable.

Watch Aqueous perform a 48-minute “Kitty Chaser (Explosions)” on Live From Out There back in June.

Aqueous – “Kitty Chaser” (Explosions) – Live From Out There – 6/9/20

[Video: Aqueous]