In June of 2017Bruce Springsteen announced an unprecedented Broadway legacy at the Walter Kerr Theatre, marking The Boss’s Broadway debut. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the pared-down one-man live show at the 975-person theater, today, Springsteen has extended this residency with 81 additional shows from July through December of 2018. This will mark the second extension of the on-going run—while the shows launched in mid-October of last year, the rock icon added another ten weeks to the residency in late November. By the end of this new string of dates, Springsteen will have performed 236 shows on Broadway as Springsteen on Broadway.

Tickets for this new leg of Springsteen on Broadway will go on sale Wednesday, March 29th at 11 a.m. EST through Ticketmaster’s Verified Fan program. Fans who have previously registered but haven’t purchased tickets for the show will be invited to the sale and will receive further instruction on Monday, March 26th. However, fans can also purchase tickets through a Lucky Seat digital lottery after the initial on-sale.