Gary Clark Jr. has officially made his debut on NPR‘s beloved “Tiny Desk Concert” series, which was premiered by the non-profit radio network on Tuesday. The popular guitarist and singer is in the early stages of a lengthy world tour in promotion of his latest studio album, This Land, which arrived via Warner Bros. Records on February 22nd.
Clark likely performed the privately taped concert when he was in the Washington D.C. area late last month for a performance at The Anthem with The Peterson Brothers. For his first time on the intimate performance series, Clark brought a trio of tunes from This Land, including “What About Us”, “When I’m Gone”, and “Pearl Cadillac“. He was joined in the somewhat cramped stage a.k.a. Bob Boilen‘s desk by his usual backing band comprised of Eric Zapta (guitar), Johnny Bradley (bass), Johnny Radelat (drums), and Jon Deas (keys).
Related: Gary Clark Jr. Performs New Blues-Rock Anthem “What About Us” On ‘The Tonight Show’ [Watch]
The guitarist can be seen playing with a few trails of sweat coming down from beneath his beanie as he begins his performance with the groovy R&B riffs of “What About Us”. Clark and company keep the relaxed vibes going with a soulful rendition of “When I’m Gone”, a tune about missing home and family while on the road. Clark closes the set with “Pink Cadillac”, a tune composed as a tribute for his mother. The entire performance can be watched below.
Gary Clark Jr. – Tiny Desk Concert
[Video: NPR]
Clark continues his world tour with shows in Australia throughout the rest of April before returning to the U.S. for a brief run of shows in May and again come summer. Fans can head to Clark’s website for the full list of upcoming tour dates and ticket info.