Members of Green Day must have spent a lot of time recently binge-watching Netflix’s new hit show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, because they’re about to unload a lot of their old, no-longer-used music equipment out of their storage unit starting next month. The music-based e-commerce site, Reverb, announced the famous punk band’s everything-must-go initiative on Thursday, which will see the Green Day sell more than 100 guitars, amps, drums, and other used music equipment amassed throughout their decades-long career via The Official Green Day Online Reverb Shop.
The online shop will launch early next month on February 7th. When it does, fans and collectors will have the opportunity to purchase instruments and recording equipment owned and used by the members of Green Day over the years. Some of the notable pieces of equipment mentioned in Thursday’s announcement include a guitar used by Billie Joe Armstrong during the recording sessions for their breakout DOOKIE LP, Marshall 4×12 speaker cabinets (still covered in mud remnants) used during the band’s set at the now infamous Woodstock ‘94, vintage bass amps, and recording gear. One notable piece of equipment to be involved in the massive sale is a Harmony Stella Parlor acoustic guitar, which is the first guitar Armstrong ever owned and was played on the recording of “F.O.D.” on DOOKIE.
This is not the first time members of Green Day have used Reverb to sell some of the band’s old gear. Armstrong teamed up with the website in 2017 to sell some of his personal equipment. The band’s drummer, Tre Cool, also filmed his own short video explaining why he’s selling “just a wee bit” of his massive drum collection. Fans can tune into the video below to hear from Cool himself.
Green Day Reverb Shop Preview
[Video: Reverb]
Fans can head over to Reverb to read further into some of the specific pieces of equipment to be included in the shop when it launches next month.