It’s been four years since James Murphy and LCD Soundsystem put on one of the grandest going away parties at Madison Square Garden, which featured appearances from Arcade Fire and Reggie Watts.  While he doesn’t speak very much about the group, instead choosing to look ahead at future endeavors, Murphy decided to make a post via LCD’s Facebook page about the four years that have passed since the group’s final show and what he and each member of the band has accomplished since then. Here is what he said:


it’s been 4 years to the day since the last show.  so, if “post lcd” was college, we’d be graduating from “post lcd”…

Posted by LCD Soundsystem on Thursday, April 2, 2015


Who knows if Murphy will ever decide to bring the group back. In the meantime, let’s lament a bit while we watch video from the MSG show, shall we?