In an animated video (via PBS’ Facebook pagefrom a lost interview from the show Blank on Blank, which was taped on May 23rd, 1988, Grateful Dead founder and guitarist Jerry Garcia was interviewed by Joe Smith and discusses the beginning of the Grateful Dead, and the infamous Acid Tests. Garcia and Smith discuss the Warlocks, why the change of names, the happenings with Ken Kesey and the Acid Tests, the Merry Pranksters, and the early days of playing dive bars.

“When we fell in with the Acid Tests we started having the most fun we ever had….Ever….I mean it was just incredible,” Garcia explains. “I think the Grateful Dead kind of represents the spirit of being able to go out and have an adventure, at large….and you have your war stories….something like hopping railroads, being out on the road, like Kerouac….”

Jerry, we miss you!

Watch the almost 6-minute interview here:

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