John Perry Barlow, the beloved Grateful Dead lyricist, passed away on February 7th at the age of 70 years old. Frequently collaborating on songs with Bob Weir, the well-known American poet, essayist, “cyberlibertarian” political activist, and retired Wyoming cattle rancher was attributed with helping create Grateful Dead tunes like “Throwing Stones”, “Feel Like A Stranger”, “Cassidy”, “Estimated Prophet”, “Lost Sailor”, “Saint Of Circumstance”, “Mexicali Blues”, “The Music Never Stopped”, and many others. His death in early February was a blow to the jam community and the world at large, causing a number of musicians and political organizations to offer up their own tributes and condolences.
On Sunday, April 8th, John Perry Barlow was honored during a tribute at The Fillmore in San Francisco titled Barlow’s Graduation From Meatspace. Per Barlow’s explicit wishes, all his memorials were free and open to all, as musicians, family, and friends–including Barlow’s daughters, Wavy Gravy, and even a video conference with Edward Snowden–all shared their stories throughout the service.
The Soul Rebels provided music first, followed by a trio set from Jerry Joseph, Wally Ingram, and Steve Kimock. Between stories, poetry, and laughs, Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl played a duet from their Ghost Of A Saber Tooth Tiger catalog, Barlow’s daughter sang an original tune she’d recorded for her father last Christmas, and other JPB-associated performers took the stage.
Bob Weir and Friends concluded the night, with Sean Lennon reemerging on the guitar and Barlow’s daughters adding vocals. Lukas Nelson also joined in, taking lead vocals on “Estimated Prophet” in a set that also included “Miracle” and “Feel Like A Stranger”. It was the perfect final “BarlowFrenzy,” as most everyone on the stage wore hats in his fashionable honor.
Thanks to, you can watch the full tribute show below (starting at 1:24:00).
[H/T Jam.Buzz]