For many months, few musicians campaigned as fiercely for Bernie Sanders than Phish drummer Jon Fishman. Fishman viewed Sanders as an actual hope for positive change, and even donned a Fishman-themed dress on summer tour, which perhaps made Hillary Clinton’s nomination as the Democratic Party nominee that much more heartbreaking for him. Now, with Election Day approaching tomorrow, Fishman has shared his thoughts on the two leading candidates with confidence.

In a Facebook post, Fish puts it out forthright that he doesn’t like Clinton, but finds her a significantly better option than her opponent Donald Trump. “Trump really is a fucking sociopath and that’s nothing to trifle with,” says Fishman, encouraging people to vote for Hillary Clinton with him.

Read the full message below:

Ok, look. We’re all confused sometimes. Lord knows I’ve waffled on all this stuff since Bernie dropped out. I’m not an idiot. I know a vote for Bernie is purely symbolic and is essentially a waste. I also know that either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is going to be our next president, and as disgusted as I am by that choice the reality is we are once again handed the lesser of two evils scenario

It’s particularly upsetting this time around because I believe we really had a chance to vote for a good candidate in Sanders, and we blew it. It’s just so tough to get that tease of having a candidate who represents real positive change for the most people get yanked away only to throw us back into the pit of painfully slow, incremental change that may or may not occur depending on how much the president is willing to actually work for and do what they say they will, or is even telling the truth in the first place, which in Hillary’s case is probably not much.

Who knows what she really stands for, what parts of the Democratic Party platform she’ll actually work to fulfill, just pay lip service to, or flat out ignore? Who knows? It sucks, but that’s the best the DNC was willing to offer.

What I do know is this though: As shitty an option as Clinton is, Trump is, as one person put it, “a national emergency and sometimes you don’t have a choice of who you have to get in a life boat with, you just hope they can row”. That sentiment, at the end of the day really hits home for me.

Also, The Democratic Party platform, regardless of how much of it Clinton will actually represent, is endlessly, infinitely better than the Republican Party platform which is a straight up “fuck you” to the whole country on so many levels I can’t even get into here. Just go read it for yourself and see if you can get through the first couple parts of the agenda without wanting to puke. It’s a joke.

So, regardless of who cares what I think or not, for my own conscience, just in case anyone actually would be influenced by what I say because I’m a rock star, which is the stupidest reason to care, but whatever…just in case, I’m retracting my earlier tirade from a few days ago and confessing that I am going to cast my vote, however disappointedly or reluctantly, for Clinton, because Trump really is a fucking sociopath and that’s nothing to trifle with.

If he were to actually become President I would have a harder time knowing that I may have contributed to that in even the tiniest way. That would be harder for me to swallow than even the disappointment and anger I felt over Bernie getting shafted.

So, if what I’m saying makes sense to you, vote accordingly. If it doesn’t, vote accordingly. Just vote.

Have a good day.

[H/T Relix]