Producers at Saturday Night Live have announced the upcoming lineup for the next three episodes, featuring musical guests Kid Cudi, St. Vincent, and Jack Harlow. The performers will be paired up with hosts Maya Rudolph, Daniel Kaluuya, and Carey Mulligan for the next three live tapings.
SNL will return live on March 27th with one of the show’s most celebrated alumni of the past 20 years, Maya Rudolph, as she hosts alongside musical guest Jack Harlow. The following week on April 3rd—the day before Easter—Daniel Kaluuya will host with St. Vincent performing. Kaluuya, who made a splash with his starring role in 2018’s Get Out, was just nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in Judas And The Black Messiah. Finally, on April 10th Carey Mulligan will host with Kid Cudi serving as musical guest. Yesterday Mulligan was nominated for five Academy Awards for her performance in Promising Young Women.
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These shows will mark Kaluuya, Mulligan, and Harlow’s debut appearances on Saturday Night Live. St. Vincent last performed on the show on May 17th, 2014, while Kid Cudi appeared alongside Kanye West during his performance of “Ghost Town” on September 29th, 2018, likely West’s final appearance on the program as he launched into a politically-fueled tirade during the final bows.
Tune in to Saturday Night Live on NBC at 11:30 p.m. ET, with new episodes beginning on March 27th.
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