On Sunday night, pioneering jamtronica outfit Lotus hit the stage at Red Rocks Amphitheatre for the fourth consecutive night to wrap up the venue’s reopening weekend. The limited-capacity shows marked the first ticketed events of the year at the Morrison, CO outdoor venue, which has quickly lined up a busy schedule of spring shows since receiving approval from the state to welcome 2,500 distanced fans at a time, or roughly 25% of its full capacity.
The jamtronica pioneers’ appearance at Red Rocks came full-circle, as the band also performed the final ticketed concert at the venue in 2020. Back on September 27th, Lotus performed to a crowd of only 175 people, a number dwarfed by the now 2,500 fans currently allowed at the Colorado venue. That concert also marked the most recent live performance by Lotus prior to this past weekend.
The run of shows came on the heels of the release of Citrus, the band’s latest EP. Check out a full track-by-track breakdown of Citrus by Lotus’ Luke and Jesse Miller here.
Red Rocks has been rapidly adding shows since being cleared to reopen. For a full list of upcoming Red Rocks shows, head here.
Check out a gallery of photos from the show below courtesy of photographer Colin McKinley (Alpine Music Photo). You can also check out photos from Thursday night’s show via photographer Jason Myers.