One aspect of Prince’s rich legacy was his 50,000 sq. ft. recording studio/home, Paisley Park. Situated just outside of Minneapolis, Paisley Park played host to some of Prince’s greatest moments, including late night dance parties, artist collaborations, studio efforts, and more. The Park was seemingly symbolic of Prince’s larger-than-life abilities; if he can do it all, why wouldn’t he have a home that had it all?

Fortunately, fans of the Purple One may soon get the opportunity to peer into Prince’s mansion. According to a new interview with Prince’s brother-in-law, Maurice Phillips, the family has plans to turn Paisley Park into a museum. “We will turn Paisley Park into a museum in Prince’s memory,” said Phillips. “It would be for the fans. He was all about the fans — this would remember his music, which is his legacy… Prince was always private but would have wanted his music remembered.”

The plan would be something similar to that of Graceland, which is a public museum devoted to the late great Elvis Presley. As of now, a timeline on the Paisley Park Museum is unclear, but opening Paisley Park would serve as an important memorial to such an enormous legacy. 

RIP, Prince. You will be missed.

[Via The Sun]