Each year, Railroad Earth hosts their annual “Horn O’ Plenty” shows around Thanksgiving weekend. The tradition first started back in 2011, and each year since, around the Thanksgiving holiday, the beloved jamgrass act and its many dedicated fans flock to the Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. This year, Railroad Earth will be keeping on with this special event, announcing that they will be returning to the Sherman Theater this year for a two-night run falling across Friday, November 24th, and Saturday, November 25th. Another special component of Railroad Earth’s Horn O’ Plenty shows is that they frequently tap special guests and other well-loved acts to join in on the celebration, with 2016 seeing the group joined by the Grateful Dead-inspired instrumental act, Circles Around The Sun.

Tickets are on-sale now, with two-day passes available here. Tickets for Friday are on-sale here, and Tickets for Saturday are on-sale here. Stay tuned for more information about who might be joining Railroad this year around the Thanksgiving holiday!

[Photo: Daniel Ojeda]