Controversy strikes the life of Rihanna yet again, as she was asked to remove herself from the site of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi while posing for various photographers over the weekend. The “Stay” singer was subsequently forced to “leave,” when though she tried to remain true to the Islamic culture by covering her body in black from head to toe, her provocative poses were seen as intrusive and inappropriate to the holy site.

Supposedly, Rihanna came to the mosque for a private tour, and entered through a gate not opened to visitors, although never explicitly setting up a tour beforehand or identifying herself. Comments on her Instagram suggest that many felt she was being disrespectful, especially when she captioned one photo of herself starring at other women of the Islamic culture (dressed in the same head-to-toe attire): “ Bitch stole my look.”

Rihanna has another concert set for tonight at the Yehoshua Gardens Park in Tel Aviv, Israel.