Conservative Fox News host Sean Hannity has taken issue with retailers’ recent decision to remove confederate-themed merchandise from their shelves in the wake of the tragic racially-charged shooting in Charleston. His reasoning? They continue to sell records from “racist, misogynist, sexist” artists like Prince, Beyonce, Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg.

“Some retailers — Sears, Walmart, Amazon, eBay and the rest of the retailers in the last 24 hours — have announced that they intend to discontinue sales of the Confederate flag,” he said on his daily radio show. “Now I have a question: Can you still buy a Jay Z CD at Walmart? Does the music department at Sears have any Ludacris albums? Can I download 50 Cent on Amazon? Can I do that? Can I get some Snoop Dogg albums on eBay? Because a lot of the music by those artists is chock-full of the ‘N word,’ by the way and the ‘B-word,’ and the ‘H-word,’ and racist, misogynist, sexist anti-woman slurs none of those retail executives would be caught dead using.”

He went on to criticize President Obama for his relationship with Jay Z, Beyonce and Prince.

Prince & Stevie Wonder Secretly Jammed At The White House Last Weekend

“It’s OK for Obama’s teenage daughters and people going into these stores and buy music chock full of the ‘N-word’ and ‘B-word,’” he continued. “Maybe we should consider banning that too. Since we’re in the process of banning everything.”

Listen to the segment below.
