As Slowdive continues work on its fifth album, guitarist Christian Savill has unveiled a new collaborative project called Beachy Head. The new project will release its self-titled, debut LP on April 30th via Graveface, and the closing track, “Destroy Us”, is available now.

In addition to Savill, Beachy Head also features Ryan Graveface (Dreamend, The Casket Girls) and Steve Clarke (The Soft Cavalry), as well as Clarke’s wife and fellow Slowdive member Rachel Goswell on a few tracks, and current Flaming Lips drummer Matt Duckworth.

“Christian and I recorded the structure of these tunes in Savannah two weeks before the pandemic hit and we’ve been file-trading ever since,” Graveface said in a statement.

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“Destroy Us” offers bits and pieces of the best parts of Slowdive and the Flaming Lips. Caked in the dreamy synthwave vibrations of Slowdive, the vocals enter in like a Wayne Coyne sermon. Originally formed by Savill in 2019, the project came together when he sent a series of song sketches to Graveface and Clarke. The two fleshed the songs out in Savannah just before the pandemic struck, with the rest of the pieces from Duckworth and Goswell falling into place in remote recordings.

Listen to Beachy Head’s debut single “Destroy Us”. The group’s self-titled debut album is available for pre-order on Bandcamp.

Beachy Head – “Destroy Us”

[H/T Brooklyn Vegan]