DJ Steve Aoki is known for his wild antics during shows, chucking cakes into people’s faces, stage-diving onto rafts and generally causing a ruckus. In one case, he may have taken it too far, as one girl is coming forward claiming that Aoki broke her neck during his concert a couple of years back.

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The young woman, Brittany Hickman, was attending her first Aoki concert at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego in 2012. She claims she was invited by co-workers and didn’t know what she was getting into at the time. During the show, Aoki threw a pool raft into the crowd, then proceeded to climb the scaffolding of his make-shift stage and jump approximately 20 feet onto the raft, which happened to be sitting directly over Brittany’s head. She was knocked unconscious and later learned her neck was broken.

She claims the injury left her in the hospital for three days and unable to work for two months. Hickman filed a lawsuit against both Aoki and the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego, and now, three years later, is speaking out about the incident.

[Via ABC News 10]