Oysterhead, the short-lived supergroup featuring Trey Anastasio (Phish), Les Claypool (Primus), and Stewart Copeland (The Police), have not performed together since 2006, but that hasn’t stopped fans from pining for their reunion. The group formed for a one-off performance during Jazz Fest in 2000, then released an album (The Grand Pecking Order, cover seen above) and toured in 2001. Aside from one final show at Bonnaroo in 2006, the band has not been active since.

In a new interview with Radio.com, drummer Stewart Copeland discussed the possibility of an Oysterhead reunion, saying:

We haven’t actually all been in the same room at the same time for quite a while. I saw Trey not too long ago, I see Les all the time, and we all say, “Yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it!” And we all love the idea, but the two other guys have working bands. I’ve got what I’m doing, but I’m probably a lot more available than they are. But when a hole in both of their schedules emerges, we’ll probably do something. I’d like to get both of them over here to the Sacred Grove, just to do a Sacred Grove track just for a start.

While nothing is official, it would be absolutely fantastic news if the group reunited to create more music and perform. Fingers crossed!