The critically acclaimed Netflix original series, Stranger Things, came out on July 15th of last year and quickly made waves with its nostalgic 80’s aesthetic, impeccable casting, and its finely tuned blend of humor, horror, and suspense. Perhaps one of the most recognized aspects of the popular show is its opening theme, which captures the mystery of the series and its throwback setting with its stripped-down and unsettling theme songwith its menacing musical swells that work their way across the series itself. The original Stranger Things soundtrack continues with this vibe, and true to the 80’s vibe meticulously crafted in the show, will be coming to your home or car via cassette.
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The Stranger Things soundtrack — which features the music of Kyle Dixon and S U R V I V E — was released in two volumes, and both will be released on red cassette in addition to the vinyl box set released earlier this year and the digital streaming services they’re already available on. Each cassette continues to riff of the aesthetic of the show, with blood red cassettes, cases that are fashioned to look like VHS tapes (remember those?), and covers of the Strangers Things artwork that play off of the popular poster motifs that informed the promotional artwork of some of our favorite movies from the 80’s. The soundtrack cassette release is coming to the shelves on July 14th via Lakeshore, one day before the one-year anniversary of the Netflix original show, which should keep fans satiated (if they can figure out how to play them) until the second season of the show is released around Halloween of this year. Hilariously, though perhaps unsurprisingly, the cassette release of the Stranger Things soundtrack will be exclusively sold at Urban Outfitters, because, duh.