The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has been a Hollywood juggernaut since The Curse of the Black Pearl, the first installation of the series, made waves (and grossed $654M worldwide) following its release in 2003. The Jerry Bruckheimer-produced tentpole franchise follows the swashbuckling misadventures of Captain Jack Sparrow, played with rockstar swagger by Johnny Depp. From the his wardrobe, to his physical mannerisms, to his generally mischievous devil-may-care attitude, the charismatic pirate has an entertainingly familiar rocker vibe–and that is no accident. From the earliest days of the series, Depp has been public about his inspiration for the role: The Rolling Stones guitarist and ageless purveyor of badass-ery Keith Richards.
Depp has spoken frequently about using Richards’ persona as the basis for Sparrow on several occasions, and the Stones icon has taken the homage in stride, even coming on for featured cameos as Jack Sparrow’s father in the later films. Watch Richards and Depp talk about their personal and cinematic rapport ahead of the release of the fourth “Pirates” film, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, in 2011 (via ScreenJunkies News):
As anticipation builds for the release of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales on May 26th, former Beatle and endlessly cool musical and cultural icon Paul McCartney has shared a sneak peak at his cameo in the upcoming film, assuring fans that the old-school British rocker swagger is alive and well in the series’ newest installment. Check out a photo of “Pirate Paul” in full regalia below, via his Instagram:
The post, captioned with a #PiratesLife, gives a glimpse of McCartney’s character. While E Online reports that McCartney plays a jail guard, his swashbuckling wardrobe gives us a funny feeling that “Pirate Paul” will be more than just a glorified security guard in the film. We can’t wait to him in action.