On Saturday night, Tame Impala made its first-ever appearance as the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. For the Kevin Parker-led psych-rock outfit’s debut on SNL, they delivered a live rendition of recently released single, “Patience”, and unveiled yet another new song, “Borderline”.
With the stage awash in characteristic Tame Impala liquid light projections, Parker and company delivered a soothing, swirling performance of the nostalgic new “Patience”. Released late last week, “Patience” marked Tame Impala’s first new track since 2015. As the band noted in a press release announcing the release of the track,
“Patience” is a mid-tempo chugger of 70’s disco and 90’s house, stoned on the house-made Tame Impala lysergic liquor. A jubilant, confident cut of elegant piano jabs, driving disco drums and Parker’s inimitable vocal style. The track is a lyrical meditation on life’s cycles and phases that ascends to an overwhelmingly blissed out zenith, as our protagonist makes peace with the transience of time. It’s a potent hint at the infinite possibilities for future Tame Impala.
Check out the live debut of “Patience” on Saturday Night Live below:
Tame Impala – “Patience” – SNL
[Video: Saturday Night Live]
With their only “new” song already out of the way, it was anyone’s guess as to what the band would do with their second performance slot of the night. Parker answered that burning question by queueing up a never-before-heard new song, “Borderline”. Whereas “Patience” is a watery sonic breeze, “Borderline” comes in with a more pronounced, danceable backbeat. While it comes across with a decidedly different vibe, “Borderline” shares some similar sonics with “Patience”, with ethereal psychedelic elements popping up throughout to augment Parker’s spectral vocals. It’s equally as likely to get caught in your head—the mark of yet another great new Tame Impala track. Here’s hoping there’s more on the way. Listen to the debut of “Borderline” below:
Tame Impala – “Borderline” [Debut] – SNL
[Video: Saturday Night Live]
See below for a list of Tame Impala’s upcoming dates. For more information, head here.