Tenacious D, the comedic rock duo comprised of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, recently performed a new song, “5 Needs”, for the COVID Is No Joke virtual comedy festival. The song was quickly released on streaming platforms after the video went live. As Tenacious D noted in a post announcing the single release, the band’s proceeds from the track will be donated to disaster relief and global health non-profit, Americares.
Related: Tenacious D & Jack White Record A Track Together In Nashville [Watch]
To start the video chat-style clip, Gass poses a question: “Hey J-bles, do you know what this world needs?” When Black gives him the affirmative, Gass responds, “Let’s sing it for ’em.”
As Gass begins playing, Black goes into detail: “You know, there are only five needs. Kyle and I wrote a song about them. It’s a little song called… ‘The 5 Needs’.”
Black continues by explaining the world’s five needs with his trademark charmingly shameless rocker bravado—earth, air, water, love, and… rock. As Black croons, the need to rock our world is so important, “it comes before food.”
Sure, it’s only a minute and change in length, but damn if it didn’t put a smile on our faces. Watch the video below and stream the audio on the platform of your choice here.
Tenacious D – “5 Needs” – Quarantine Video