In 2014, the two members of the Insane Clown Posse, along with a handful of their fans, known as “Juggalos,” filed a lawsuit against the FBI for labelling the fangroup as a “hybrid gang.” At the time, the lawsuit was thrown out, but that is all changing.
A federal appeals court in Ohio ruled yesterday that the previously-dismissed lawsuit can proceed, overturning the lower court decision. Former wrestlers turned rappers, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, along with four of their fans, initially filed the suit in Michigan, and the appeals court ruled that the case should be heard.
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The Juggalos are a well known target for law enforcement, as both they and the band have had numerous, well-documented run-ins with the law. Their annual music festival, The Gathering Of The Juggalos, has been the subject of intense law enforcement, and the FBI classification allowed the government to increase their surveillance. The band and Juggalo appearance, as well as the violent imagery on stage, has allowed the FBI to target this musical community.
This issue has far reaching ramifications for all bands, particularly those with strong nationwide followings. If the government is able to decree that fans of a particular band or attendees at that band’s event are all potentially dangerous criminals, the implications for other groups and their devoted followings are trecherous.
We’ll be sure to keep you apprised as this case continues to develop.
[Via Reuters]