With so many Grateful Dead – themed events coming up, not to mention his upcoming documentary release on Netflix and return to performing, you’d think a fan of the Dead would want to ask Weir some interesting questions.

Leave it to TMZ to completely drop the ball. In what appears to be a chance encounter outside of a hotel, a TMZ reporter pretending to be a fan rushes over to Weir to interview him. I use the word “pretending” because it’s clear that the reporter has no idea what’s going on.

Bob Weir Discusses Dead Reunion In CNBC Interview

Between questions about ice cream, guitar smashing, and tie dye, it’s evident that the tabloid publication was just looking to capitalize on the Grateful Dead hype. Why would the Dead smash their guitars?! You can literally see the boredom in Weir’s eyes.

Watch the full video below:


[Via TMZ]