On Friday night, Umphrey’s McGee made a stop at Albany, NY’s Palace Theatre amidst their winter tour, and invited up moe. drummer Vinnie Amico and keyboardist/organist Robert Walter during the first set. Robert Walter’s 20th Congress got the night started off, marking the group’s second show on the road offering support to Umph’s.

Umphrey’s McGee opened up the first set with “Domino Theory”, before working their way into a cover of Ali Baba’s Tahini’s “Got Your Milk Right Here”. Next, the band invited up Robert Walter to lend a helping hand on keys on “Whistle Kids”, with Jake Cinninger tossing back and forth a series of gritty solos with Walter. Walter exited the stage, and the six-piece moved forward with a free-flowing segue of “Linear” into “White Man’s Moccasins”. Cinninger and Brendan Bayliss laid down some intricate guitar work together, backed by their tenacious rhythm section consisting of Kris Myers, Ryan Stasik, and Andy Farag. UM kept on chugging with another improv-heavy segue of “Resolution” into “Upward”. To close their first set, the sextet invited up Upstate New York resident and moe. drummer Vinnie Amico for a cover of ZZ Top’s “Cheap Sunglasses”, rocking the closing segment of the hard-hitting first set in grandiose fashion.

Umphrey’s McGee came back to open their second set with “Miss Tinkle’s Overture”, before moving forward with “Walletsworth” and a cover of Fugazi’s “Waiting Room”. Last night’s rendition of “Waiting Room” marked only the fourth time that Umphrey’s has played the song since 2015. A groovy take on “1348” followed, as Cinninger and Bayliss locked in with Joel Cummins, powering their explosive six-piece unit into a tight-knit funk jam. Umphrey’s McGee powered forward with “Eat” and an deep take on “Maybe Someday”, before closing the second set with “The Floor” and a proper finish on “1348”. Umphrey’s McGee continued in the night’s improv-heavy theme, sandwiching “Soul Food I” in between “Puppet String” in their encore slot.

Listen to full-show audio of last night’s explosive Umphrey’s McGee show below:

Umphreys McGee – 2/1/2019 (Full-Show Audio)

[Audio: Rob Clarke]

Tonight, Umphrey’s McGee heads to Portland, ME’s State Theatre, with Robert Walter’s 20th Congress offering support once again. For a full list of Umphrey’s McGee’s upcoming tour dates and ticketing information, head to the band’s website.

Setlist: Umphrey’s McGee | Palace Theatre | Albany, NY | 2/1/2019

Set One: Domino Theory, Got Your Milk Right Here, Whistle Kids*, Linear > White Man’s Moccasins, Resolution > Upward, Cheap Sunglasses**

Set Two: Miss Tinkle’s Overture > Wallestworth, Waiting Room, 1348 > Eat, Maybe Someday, The Floor > 1348

Encore: Puppet String > Soul Food I > Puppet String

* w. Robert Walter on keyboard, ** w. Vinnie Amico on drums