Greensky Bluegrass brought their signature blend of bluegrass, psychedelic rock, and pure unadulterated love to the Aiken Bluegrass Festival, presented by Friends With Benefits, for a wild headlining set to close out the second day’s tunes. As with every other band that had graced the stage prior, Greensky was in prime condition and inspired by the jubilant crowd, ultimately delivering a truly remarkable show. As with Leftover Salmon‘s closer the day before, the atmosphere was cracking with energy despite a little rain. Once Greensky got going, they rolled through wild extended takes on songs like opener “King Of The Hill” and late-sets jams “All Four” and “Leap Year”.

One of the most impressive parts of any Greensky show is the near-perfect intertwining balance these five men have managed to find, making their smooth transitions and sonic stepping look so much easier than it is. Though the staccato sound of the banjo can easily overpower other instruments, Michael Bont can dial himself back or cunningly blend into the mix between bursts of laser-focused rolling leads. Bassist Mike Devol serves as the heartbeat of the band and somehow managed to drive his tone deeper and deeper with each passing moment. His traditional partner in the percussive heart of most bluegrass set-ups, mandolinist Paul Hoffman, dazzled, but it was his big-as-the-sky vocals that truly mystified the audience.

When Hoffman wasn’t singing to the stars, guitarist Dave Bruzza split time at the mic—his gruff but pleasingly distinct voice matching his serious playing skills. Swirling above it all was drop-steel wizard Anders Beck, swooping in to deliver achingly beautiful whoops and squeals to go with his dexterous runs. These five musical voices, idiosyncratic as they are, circled through each other, looping until they reached near-infinite heights. 

With performances like the one they offered to the damp but joyous crowd at the Aiken Bluegrass Festival, it’s clear why Greensky Bluegrass has become the go-to closer for so many fests this summer. While up-and-comers like Billy Strings are breathing fresh life into the “jamgrass” scene, Greensky Bluegrass serves as the unpredictable musical mayhem at its very heart. We’ve got a few of the show highlights below for you in video form, including the aforementioned extended “Dustbowl Overture” filmed by our own Rex Thomson. Enjoy!

Setlist: Greensky Bluegrass | Aiken Bluegrass Festival | Aiken, SC | 5/12/2018

Set: King Of The Hill, Room Without A Roof, Into The Rafters, Dustbowl Overtures, Run Or Die, Reverend, Hit Parade Of Love, All Four, Less Than Supper, Leap Year

“Dustbowl Overture>Run Or Die”

 “Room Without A Roof”

“Into The Rafters”