The metal band Mastodon has not been shy about their love of the hit HBO series Game of Thrones. In addition to contributing the song “White Walkers” for the Catch the Throne Vol. 2 mixtape, the group made a cameo as extras in last night’s episode.

***Spoiler alert – this article will contain references to the plot of last night’s episode of Game of Thrones.***

Mastodon appeared as extras, portraying innocent wildlings at the small village of Hardhome. As familiar characters Jon Snow and Tormund Giantsbane arrive at the village, an army of wights begin to take siege against the thousands of wildlings.

Among the wildlings that were brutally slain by the wights were Brann Dailor, Bill Kelliher and Brent Hinds of Mastodon, who seem all-too-enthralled to have been a part of the show. Towards the very end of the episode, the three musicians were seen rising from the dead, joining the army of zombie-like wights.

Dailor told the following story of his appearance on the show:

“It was such an incredible experience to be on set as extras for our collective favourite show Game Of Thrones and to be wildlings murdered and then brought back to life by White Walkers was beyond amazing. I watched my best friends Brent and Bill murdered right in front of me as I myself was stabbed in the stomach and had my throat slit multiple times, and I didn’t mind at all. It made me love being in Mastodon even more. We are more than privileged and honoured to have been a part of one of the greatest stories ever told on film, and the catering wasn’t bad either.”

Game of Thrones will continue airing on Sunday nights (in the US) for the remaining two weeks of Season Five.