A new chapter in the Drew Carey/Phish saga was written on New Year’s Eve as the Price Is Right host surprised fans by throwing down a DJ set under the pseudonym “DJ Blender” during an after-party following Phish’s fourth and final night at Madison Square Garden.

Carey’s DJ name is a playful nod to his unlikely bond with Phish, which began earlier in 2024 when he saw the band for the first time at Sphere. His reaction to the show went viral after he shared a very… uh… enthusiastic review that included an unforgettable, if graphic, comment: “I swear I just talked to God,” he said. “I would give you all my money, stick my dick in a blender and swear off pussy for the rest of my life in exchange for this.”

Phish responded by jokingly sending him a blender signed by the band, and Carey later showed up to a Mike Gordon show, blender in hand. Much to everyone’s relief, it was just a sausage that he stuck in the appliance.

Keen-eyed fans immediately recognized the name “DJ Blender” among the Phish NYE after-party lineup, though CEG Presents kept his identity under wraps. Come New Year’s Eve, Carey was spotted at Madison Square Garden rocking out amongst the crowd wearing a shirt that read “I don’t know the price of anything.” He later confirmed fans’ suspicions when he stepped up to the decks and DJ’d a surprisingly dope set at Hill Country along with Tad Cautious, host of Phish festival radio station The Bunny, and DJ Cooley.

drew carey, drew carey phish, drew carey blender, drew carey dj blender
[Screengrab via Drew Carey on Threads – Carey at Phish’s New Year’s Eve show at Madison Square Garden]

Carey’s love of electronic dance music is well documented. He even recounted a bad trip he had at Electric Daisy Carnival on Comedy Central‘s This Is Not Happening. Ironically, though, it was Phish who went full EDM on NYE during the band’s traditional gag set, while Carey got funky during his DJ set. Clips posted by guitarist Joe Marcinek show Carey boogying down while spinning Lettuce‘s “Sam Huff’s Flying Raging Machine”.

Having experienced his first YEMSG run after clearly enjoying his introduction to Phish at Sphere, fans can be pretty certain they will see more of Drew Carey at future shows. Hopefully DJ Blender will make an appearance again too.