Graham Nash was the latest artist to perform on Rolling Stone‘s remote concert series “In My Room“. He joins other classic rock staples such as Brian Wilson and John Forgerty, who are among the show’s few-but-proud alums.
The third of Crosby, Stills, & Nash began his video, “I’m here at my home, as I hope all of you are.” Afterward offering a message of community and unified commitment that would be echoed throughout the performance, ” “We’re all in this together, this coronavirus mess that we’re in.” He also cautioned everyone to stay at home, “and speaking of staying at home, I’m going to play ‘Our House’ for you.” The song, off the supergroup’s 1970 Déjà Vu album, is strange to hear with only one voice singing the song’s famous harmony that helped define the group. This becomes especially apparent at the end of the song, with the harmonic “la’s” that gave the image of harmony and brotherhood to a band that ended so bitterly.
Between songs, Nash continued to remind the audience that we will all eventually get through this crisis, but that it will take an effort from all of us. He then picked up a guitar and said, “When Stephen [Stills] first played me this song, I was so amazed. It’s so beautiful,” before going into “4 + 20”. After one last banter session, where he implored audiences to “Listen to the doctors and the scientists. They know what’s really going on,” he went into “Teach The Children” on piano, “because my guitar is in the other tuning.” The song’s message of imparting knowledge and wisdom to the next generation was undoubtedly not lost on Nash, at a time when many young people are not complying with state-mandated stay at home orders.
With that Nash’s session was over, and he left viewers with a fond, “We’re all in this together. We will make it together. Stay at home, wash your hands. Don’t spread the virus. God bless.”
Watch Graham Nash’s “In My Room” session below.
Graham Nash – “In My Room” Concert
Like many musicians, Graham Nash has been forced to reschedule a number of his tour dates to the fall, in a nationwide effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. Visit his website for tickets and an updated list of concert dates.