Holly Bowling is getting out of her living room and heading into the wild for a virtual tour like no other. The Ghost Light keyboardist announced The Wilderness Sessions on Monday, which will see her performing live from breathtaking landscapes across the country.
Since the global pandemic brought the live music industry to a halt back in March, Bowling has remained active by live-streaming concerts from her home on a regular basis. She has even released eight volumes of Alone Together (The Living Room Sessions), culled from those performances. She is also prepping for the release of Seeking All That’s Still Unsung, a collection of solo piano Grateful Dead songs, later this fall.
Related: Holly Bowling Finds A Change Of Scenery With The ‘Wilderness Sessions’ [Interview]
The virtual tour will kick off this Thursday, September 3rd when Bowling performs live from Lake Tahoe, CA. From there, these crowd-less performances will travel through Yosemite National Park (9/10); Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats (9/17); Idaho’s Bruneau Canyon (9/24); the Beartooth Highway that runs between Montana and Wyoming (10/1); and finally South Dakota’s Badlands National Park (10/8). The performances will air for free every Thursday on Bowling’s Facebook page.
Bowling said of the tour in a press release,
When COVID first shut everything down, I started playing and recording a bunch of solo piano sets from my living room. It felt good to play and it held my sanity together, and it was also the only avenue I had to continue working as a performing musician. As grateful as I was (and still am) for that opportunity, after a few months it was starting to feel like too much staring at the same walls in the same empty room. I decided if the only option right now is to play to empty spaces, then I wanted to do that in a giant canyon or on a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere. If people can’t be a part of the equation for the time being, let’s lean into that and take it further – get really far out there away from everyone and play there. It’s one of those things that would never have worked in normal times. But I realized there’s two ways to look at this time – you can look at all of the things we can’t do, everything we’re missing out on, everything we’ve lost… or you can find the things that you can only do now that you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise, and seek those things out and make them happen.
Watch a teaser for The Wilderness Sessions from Holly Bowling below, and tune into the first installment on September 3rd when she plays live from Lake Tahoe, CA.
Holly Bowling Wilderness Sessions Tour Teaser
[Video: Holly Bowling]